Tag Archives: musings

Dear Siri: I love you


I hate texting.  What happened to the days when we used to talk on the phone with people?  I guess I’m old fashioned but I’d rather talk to someone than text a conversation to them.  If I just need to tell you one little thing, then yes, love the text.  I feel like we communicate a lot more than we used to but we are more antisocial than we’ve ever been.

One reason I hate texting so much is because I’m such a slow texter.  Hence my title: Dear Siri: I love you.  Siri is that awesome feature on the new iPhone.  She types my texts for me.  I just say out loud what I’d like to text to someone and she types it for me.  Love, love, love, love.  I didn’t use her when I first got my new iPhone 4S but now I’m obsessed.

Siri is also useful for some comic relief.  My husband and I sometimes just sit around and think of things to ask or say to her.  I love the sometimes sarcastic answers the nerds at Mac have made her say.  Here’s a few interesting remarks/questions we have made along with her answers:

  1. Remark: Siri, it’s my birthday.  Siri’s reply: Happy birthday!  Sorry, I didn’t get you anything.
  2. Question: Siri, what are you wearing?  Siri’s reply: Aluminosilicate glass and stainless steel.  Nice, huh?
  3. Remark: Siri, you’re a bitch.  Siri’s reply: I’m just trying to help you.  My reply: Sorry, now I feel bad.  Siri’s reply: It’s all good.
  4. Question: Can you sing for me?  Siri’s reply (in a monotone non-singing voice): Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do… I looked it up.  This is, in fact, a song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLlF-fkC2Os
  5. Question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  Answer: 42 cords of wood, to be exact.  Everyone knows that.
  6. Remark: Talk dirty to me. Siri’s reply: Humus.  Compost.  Pumice.  Silt.  Gravel.
  7. Remark: Beam me up.  Siri’s reply: Please remove your belt, shoes and jacket and empty your pockets.

By the way – each time you ask her one of these questions, she gives you a new answer.  You never know what she’s going to say.  Love it.  Let me know if you have any funny questions you like to ask Siri!

Sister, Sister, Italian Greyhound


My sister and I just returned from a relaxing weekend in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia. It was so relaxing and so beautiful and so…yummy.

We gave up any hopes of eating healthy on Friday afternoon. My favorite yummy treat? A French Toast with Maple Syrup and BACON cupcake! Weirdest dessert I’ve ever eaten but sooo yummy!

There was a jacuzzi that we utilized both nights we were there. My sister, Margie’s little Italian Greyhound, Nike, also joined us at the cabin. He’s the cutest thing that has ever lived but a HUGE pain in the ass. The first night while we were soaking in the jacuzzi, he sat outside and cried. So we put him in the jacuzzi with us. That’s right – 2 girls and an Italian Greyhound in a Jacuzzi. It must have been a funny sight to behold.

We went on a hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains and found a waterfall! We kept going and going and finally made it to the top of the mountain…that probably worked off that french toast bacon cupcake, right?

We also had fun just looking for things to photograph. We both have a passion for photography so this was the perfect weekend with the perfect weather with the perfect scenery.

Funniest moment? I invented a new word. If you’ve ever seen an Italian Greyhound, you know that they are tiny little things…and they have…tiny little things. We were driving somewhere and I mentioned Nike’s little “shlong” and my sister said, “I don’t think you can call it a shlong.” Thus, our new word. Shlort. See picture for definition. We get a lot of joy out of making fun of this cute little animal.

Also, thanks to a little tip from my wordpress friend, Malia’s blog (Self Professed Product Obsessed), we both tried out our new skin regimen, Monistat 7. You heard me right.

Margie (left) & me (right)

Well, too bad it’s over. Sucks to have to go back to reality after such a nice, relaxing, word-inventing, picture taking, hiking in the mountains, dog-walking perfect weekend. The weekend may be over but “shlort” will stay with us forever. 🙂

My Affair with the Gym


I’ll admit it. I used to hate the gym. I dreaded going and doing all that cardio. Something happened though. About 6 months after I started working out on a regular basis (Fall of 2009), I became addicted. Addicted to the feeling of accomplishment I get after running 6 miles. Addicted to the pounds that just keep falling off. Addicted to feeling better in my own body and mind.
I can control it. It’s one of the only things in my life I feel that way about. It makes me feel strong and beautiful, healthy and confident.
One of my new favorite things is yoga. I LOVE yoga! I can go into the class feeling overwhelmed and stressed and leave an hour later feeling calm and relaxed. I remember my first class was so amazing and relieved so much anxiety that I almost burst into tears!
My husband always asks me if I’m going to see my boyfriend, Gym or “Jim.” It’s true. Gym is the other love of my life. Just wish he would stop cheating on me with all those other people!

Umm…I Don’t Care for That Term


“That’s so plain Jane.”  Boo!  On behalf of all females out there named Jane, stop saying that!  I’m not plain!  I understand what you’re trying to say when you say that, but it’s highly offensive to anyone named Jane.  We like to think of ourselves as special and ANYTHING but PLAIN!

I know this is a normal part of speech and I don’t want you to lose terms that you like to use to explain things/people so I would like to help you replace this in your vocabulary.

Instead of saying, “That’s so plain Jane,” try this:

  1. She’s not fancy.
  2. Her style is so boring.
  3. She’s so ordinary.
  4. She’s very simple.
  5. She’s very uncomplicated.

That’s it for now.  Just remember that every time you use the term, “plain Jane,” someone punches a baby panda.
Save the pandas.  Don’t say it.

Dear Me: I Love You


The picture you see is a doodle I made last night.  I looked in the mirror at myself and the negative inner dialogue started.  I had to stop myself though.  I decided to invite “Positive” inside and push the negative out.  I started telling myself things like, “You can do this.  You will succeed.  You are great.  You are beautiful.  You are successful.”  I wrote this out and took a picture of it so that I could constantly remind myself of these words.  My inner voice is terrible and unloving sometimes.  I had to silence it last night with positive words of love to myself.

How important is it to love yourself?  It’s the first part of loving others.  Believe in what the Bible says or not, you have to agree that “Love your neighbor as you love yourself,” is a GREAT verse (Matthew 22:39).  Have you ever noticed that we tend to focus on the loving your neighbor part but not the loving yourself?  This seems like the key to the entire verse.  How can you love others if you don’t love yourself?  I battle with this too so I’m talking to myself.  I just wanted to share what I’ve been thinking about lately.

Love yourself so that you CAN love others effectively.  Take time for yourself – just a little bit each day.  If you never give yourself any time, you will begin to resent others when they ask for help.  Do something that makes you happy.  Write in a journal, read a book, take a walk, go to the gym – show yourself love so that you can show your love to others.  It’s important.

Dear Me: I love you.