Monthly Archives: October 2012

More Weight Loss Secrets


I was just thinking about a few of the things I do to help me continue with self-control in this dieting that is my life.  If you’re in your early 20s or younger, this post may not be for you because you can probably still eat whatever you want.  However, save this link for when you turn 28 – you’ll need it later.

Okay, so the scenario is you have just finished eating dinner.  What do I do when I have just finished eating my healthy dinner and I want to start snacking?  BRUSH MY TEETH.  No joke.  This requires a little bit of self-control so muster up everything you have and push yourself into that bathroom, get out that toothbrush and brush those pearly whites.  It’s like a switch gets flipped inside me every time.  EVERY TIME.  Seriously, I get that minty taste in my mouth and get the taste of food out and I’m satisfied.  If you are not in a place where you can brush your teeth, get a piece of MINT gum.  If that still isn’t enough, I suggest some hot tea.  My favorites are Pineapple Camomile, Vanilla Caramel and Coconut.  The warm inside of your tummy also helps to trick your body into feeling satisfied.

Most importantly, drink lots of water.  I drink a minimum of 12 eight ounce glasses of water per day.  I always gulp down 2 full glasses right before dinner – another way of making your stomach tell your brain you are full.  Remember that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to send a message to your stomach that you are full and usually by then it’s too late if you are over eating.  DRINK WATER!

Another good rule of thumb is to make sure not to eat too late at night.  I have been guilty of this lately and it really slows you down in so many ways.  It takes me longer to fall asleep and slows down my weight loss.  The reason it makes it impossible to sleep is because it takes energy for your body to digest food.  So, you eat a late dinner, get ready for bed and try to sleep…why can’t you sleep?  Your body is actually in a “workout” state trying to digest that meal you just ingested.  I recommend eating dinner no later than 7pm (6pm or earlier is ideal).

Side note: I’m really not trying to lose that much more but I’m pretty sure there’s not a girl out there who wouldn’t mind shedding a few inches.

After a while of practicing self-control, your stomach will shrink and you will lose your cravings.  Truly, you will – I promise.  I have not deviated from my diet plan in 7 weeks now.  NOT ONCE.  I’m completely satisfied and my stomach has shrunk so much that an apple makes me feel full!

Well that’s all for now!  Just a few tidbits to those of you who need a little advice.

The best advice I can give you is this:
If you mess up, don’t beat yourself up.  You need the positive reinforcement of your mind so don’t be overly hard on yourself.  Realize that you are human and tomorrow is a new day.  You can do this.  I promise.  If you would like advice on how to lose or just need someone to help keep you accountable, email me ( or comment here.  I’ve done this twice now (thyroid issues).  I feel your pain.  BUT I am here to tell you it is possible.  Just believe in yourself and look at all the others out there who have already achieved their weight loss goals.  Let them be your mentors.

Her Sweater


Me and my mom

She wraps her arms around me every day with her warmth.
Cream colored and soft, just like her skin.
Warm, just like her heart.
Taking care of me, just like she always did.
I shiver and she is there to keep me warm.
I cry and she is there to wipe my tears.
She wore this sweater many times and now I wear it every day.
Memories of her fill the air.
Beautiful woman she was…on the outside, yes, but her heart was her true beauty.
A diamond among women.
I am so honored to call her “Mom.”

Love, your baby.