The Sunshine Blog Award


Thank you to Kent for nominating Jane’s Unsound Mind for a Sunshine Blog Award. This award is given by other writers to, “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.”

Ironically, this was not my goal when I started this blog. I’m super quiet and I have a tendency to keep things bottled up inside until they explode. I also have a sarcastic side that I don’t always get to let out. I started this blog to release all the crap I hold inside and to make people laugh with my sarcastic thoughts on life.

Well, if you have read any of my recent posts, you know that all that changed when my mom died suddenly and unexpectedly. All the things I used to think and write about suddenly didn’t seem important anymore. I went from writing 3 or 4 posts a week to maybe 2 or 3 a month. I now write only when I’m inspired and lately, I only write about what I have learned from losing my mom. I don’t know where this blog is going. For those of you who started to follow me because I’m sometimes funny and a little sarcastic, don’t worry – nothing has changed. I expect I’ll be back to that soon. For those of you who followed me because of the inspirational things I have been writing about lately, don’t worry – that’s not going to change either. Actually, these ideas can sometimes marry together to make a great blog post. Sarcastic inspiration! After all, this blog is titled “Jane’s Unsound Mind.”

Thank you to Kent for nominating me and all you other awesome people who choose to read my thoughts. This has been very therapeutic for me in so many ways. It has also been a blessing to read others’ comments on how this blog has made them laugh or touched their life in some way.

Rules to Accept the Award:

1) Include the award logo in a post or somewhere on your blog.
2) Answer 10 questions about yourself.
3) Nominate 5 to 10 other fabulous bloggers.
4) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
5) Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

The 10 Questions…and Answers:
1) What is your favorite color? It used to be pink and still mostly is, but my mom’s favorite color was royal blue and I am finding myself drawn to it. Long story short – I love them both!
2) What is your favorite animal? Cats! Have you seen my new kitten?! I wrote a post about her so if you haven’t, click here!
3) What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Decaf coffee. Yeah, I’m off caffeine.  Read about THAT here.
4) Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. Still trying to figure out why I’m on Twitter.
5) What is your passion? Lately, it is photography. I was just getting into it before my mom passed. She was the first person I showed my gallery of pictures I am selling to and she was convinced I would be famous for it. This new passion has been another form of therapy for me through this difficult time.  Check out my gallery!
6) What is your favorite pattern? Weird question. How about my favorite shape? I LOVE hearts!!!
7) Do you prefer giving or getting presents? Giving.
8) What is your favorite number? 7
9) What is your favorite day of the week? Saturday. I love to sleep in.  Gotta get my 12.
10) What is your favorite flower? I’m a sucker for a rose…but I’m also girly and I love all things pretty 🙂

And My Nominees Are:
Soapbox Glory (Because she is my sister and she inspires me every day.)
Roam If You Want To (Because he is my brother-in-law and also my boss and one of the strongest people I have ever met.  He doesn’t update his blog often, but you should go check out his stories about how he and my husband traveled from Miami to the British Virgin Islands on his boat.  There are some really awesome stories of how God came through and truly saved their lives when all hope was lost.)
Never Give Up
(Sami Awad is an inspiration to everyone.  I have personally met Sami twice and he is a true follower of Christ and is giving his all to see peace in the Holy Land between all people.
Firestone 2012 (The post she wrote entitled “And Jesus Wept” about a little girl was beautiful and touched my life.
Holy Ghost Bumps
(He shows true courage and love for Christ in his posts about losing his daughter just a short time ago)
A Life Revived (I love reading about her workouts and how she relates all that to Christ.)

About JaneEmily

I’m Jane. I’m quirky, a little verbose at times and I always over think everything. Here is the place where I will let all that out. I love to laugh. It helps me forget about my problems. You should try it. I’m a true friend, a lover, a fighter, a poet, a sinner and a great shoulder to cry on. Love me, hate me, take me or leave me. I’m Jane, that’s me. My mom is my hero. She was the greatest woman who ever lived. I'm not sure we realized this until after she was gone. I miss her every moment of every day.

9 responses »

  1. Ha! Yes, there were some weird questions, I’ve looked at other “Sunshine Blog Awards” and seen several different sets. You could probably be safe in making up your own 🙂 P.S. I’m trying to figure out why I’m on Twitter too!

    • Haha I thought about making up my own questions. Yeah….Twitter…I start looking at the feed and even though I chose to follow these people, I just keep thinking, “Who cares?” I don’t care that Oprah just worked out at the 4 seasons gym.

      • She did??!! How did I miss that!! hahahahaaaa

        Actually, a lot of what I get on Twitter, bless their hearts, is bible versus, “uplifting” statements, words of inspiration, etc. etc. Probably due to who I’ve “friended” over the months I’ve been on. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but after a while it just gets to be noise….even if it’s “positive” noise. And there’s only so much communique you can put in 140 characters!

      • I follow a few really funny ones and I think that’s what keeps me on. It’s really hard to make me actually laugh out loud. A few of these people can do it and I think that’s why I stay.

  2. Congrats! Proud of you and the way your words are inspiring others and me! Thank you for thinking I’m inspiring…I don’t feel that way much these days. Love you!

  3. Pingback: Another award? You love me! You really love me! « Stuph Blog

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